True Positive Weekly #97
The most important artificial intelligence and machine learning news and articles
Hey, in this issue: the 8 worst technology failures of 2024; scaling test-time compute with open models; is the tech industry already on the cusp of an AI slowdown?; new book by Andriy Burkov; AI learns to distinguish between aromas of US and Scottish whiskies; the memory layer for your AI apps; and more.
[MIT TR] The 8 worst technology failures of 2024
[Hugging Face] Scaling test-time compute with open models
[NYT] Is the tech industry already on the cusp of an AI slowdown?
[NEW BOOK] The Hundred-Page Language Models Book by Andriy Burkov
The first five chapters of Andriy's new book on language models are now online. Over the coming weeks, subsequent chapters will be released. The official release of a top-quality printed edition is planned for January 2025. Subscribe to receive updates on new chapters and on the book's official availability in online stores.
[Ars Technica] New physics sim trains robots 430,000 times faster than reality
[Guardian] AI learns to distinguish between aromas of US and Scottish whiskies
[ArXiv] SVGFusion: Scalable text-to-SVG generation via vector space diffusion
[NEW BOOK] Start reading Andriy's new book today. New chapters are coming soon!
[Nature] Ensemble deep learning and EfficientNet for accurate diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy
[Tool] The memory layer for your AI apps
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