True Positive Weekly #57
The most important artificial intelligence and machine learning links of the week
Hey, in this issue: OpenAI released DALL·E 2 and how it works; learning with not enough data; why it’s so hard to make AI fair and unbiased; what's next for AlphaFold; choosing a server for deep learning training; and more.
OpenAI released DALL·E 2
[Video] How does DALL-E 2 actually work?
[Tutorial] Learning with not enough data
[Sponsored] AI Chambers – Ask an experienced AI Patent Attorney via 1-on-1 Zoom meeting, powered by Ridout & Maybee. Meet monthly.
Why it’s so hard to make AI fair and unbiased
[Nature] What's next for AlphaFold and the AI protein-folding revolution
Deep learning to enable color vision in the dark
[Nvidia] Choosing a server for deep learning training
[Tool] dgl: a python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks
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Have a nice weekend! See you next week. — Andriy