True Positive Weekly #39
The most important artificial intelligence and machine learning links of the week
Hey, in this issue: deepfake voices can fool voice-recognition software; on deep learning diminishing returns; the first rule of machine learning; a machine learning framework for time-series intelligence; a farewell to the bias-variance tradeoff? scaling TensorFlow to 300 million predictions per second; and more.
[ArXiv] Deepfake voices can fool voice-recognition software
Artificial intelligence brings better hurricane predictions
The first rule of machine learning: start without machine learning
[Project] Merlion: a machine learning framework for time-series intelligence
Falsehoods more likely with large language models
[ArXiv] A farewell to the bias-variance tradeoff? An overview of the theory of overparameterized machine learning
[ArXiv] Scaling TensorFlow to 300 million predictions per second
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Have a nice weekend! See you next week. — Andriy