True Positive Weekly #24
The most important artificial intelligence and machine learning links of the week
Hey, in this issue: OpenAI-powered Linux shell, what’s wrong with MLOps, challenges of applied machine learning, what’s next for AI from Geoffrey Hinton, Tutorial on face detection, a library for model-based reinforcement learning from Facebook, and more.
[Opinion] What’s wrong with MLOps?
[Project] Accelerate: a simple way to train and use PyTorch models with multi-GPU, TPU, mixed-precision
Geoffrey Hinton has a hunch about what’s next for AI
[Explained] Facebook TransCoder, the AI that translates code from a programming language to another (article, video)
[Project] mbrl-lib: a library for model-based reinforcement learning
OpenAI-powered Linux shell uses AI to do what you mean (video)
[Tutorial] Face detection with dlib
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Have a nice weekend! See you next week. — Andriy